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February 19, 2009
Salem, Massachusetts                                                    February 19, 2009

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:10 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Clarke, Shea, Yale present and Mayor Driscoll present and presiding.   Trustees Merry and Little were absent.  Ms. Jackson was present.  

Approval of Minutes of January 22, 2009         UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial Reports were distributed.  Ms. Jackson reported on the increasing circulation figures.  The Library’s circulation has gone up 7% over FY08.  In bad economic times more people rely on the public library.  

Trustee Buckley commented on the wonderful job Kevin Foucher and his staff have done this winter in keeping the Library sidewalk and walkway clear of snow and ice.  

Ms. Jackson reported that the Library returned $10,000 to the City from the Library’s full-time salary line item.  The savings was a result of a full-time employee on unpaid sick leave and an employee on maternity leave.

Ms. Jackson reported on the FY10 budget proposal.  All city departments were instructed to submit two budgets – one budget level funded and one budget with a ten percent reduction.  The budget with the ten percent cut would do serious damage to the Library’s operations.  The Library would be closed on Sundays, a full-time job would be lost, part-time hours would be cut and the book budget would also be cut.  It would be impossible to maintain the excellent level of customer service that our patrons expect.  The Trustees stressed the importance of the Library to the community and asked that there be no cuts to the Library budget.  Ms. Jackson mentioned that in the latest report from the state the State average of municipal support of libraries was 1.26% of the budget, while Salem’s figure was .97%.  Ms. Jackson pointed out the many projects that the Library had paid for – the roof, the walkway and the Children’s Room deck.  She said that the Library frequently tries to handle major projects without city money.  Mayor Driscoll said there was a rough road ahead and she made no promises about the budget.

VOTED:  To approve the two FY10 budgets as presented.

                MOVED:  Mr. Yale             SECONDED:  Mr. Shea                   UNANIMOUS

Ms. Jackson reported on the dire circumstances facing the Winthrop Library.  Selectmen are considering plans to close the Library for the rest of the year to make up for state aid cuts to the town.  

Ms. Jackson reported on her meeting with Miss Little and Steve Smith from GardenSmith to talk about plans for the summer plantings.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.